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Human rights

Human rights
Momenta recognizes and works to safeguard human rights, labour rights and the environment. We adhere to the UN Compact Ten principles for Responsible businesses covering the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption. The principles are incorporated in our Code of Conduct.

Our customers and suppliers with subcontractors shall acknowledge and work according to these principles.

Due diligence assessment (Aktsomhetsanalyse)
Every year, we conduct due diligence assessments (Aktsomhetsanalyse) to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how we deal with actual and potential negative impacts of our own operations, supply chains and customers, related to human rights, employment and the relationship between the partners, environmental protection, bribery and corruption.

We have full transparency about our work to ensure fundamental human rights and decent working conditions, and due diligence, the Code of Conduct are available on this page. Anyone who wants further information about our work in this area can send a request to us and we will provide information within three weeks at the latest.

Request for information sent to email:

Everyone is encouraged to report if they believe Momenta directly or indirectly contributes to violations of human rights, decent working conditions or corruption. Momenta sees whistleblowing as positive, and the whistleblower will not be punished or harmed because of the notification. Reports will be kept anonymous where requested.

Reports will be registered in Momenta’ nonconformity system and processed by the Quality Manager. The Quality Manager reports the notification to the Managing Director, who decides on measures to safeguard the notification. Whistleblowers will be kept informed of measures and results of measures.

Notification should be reported to e-mail: 
Anonymous in written letter also accepted.

Code of conduct
Code of Conduct Momenta

Due diligence assessment – Aktsomhetsanalyse
Aktsomhetsvurdering Momenta 2023

The UN’s Ten Principles for Responsible Business  
UN Compact Ten principles for Responsible businesses